请继续关注 Unity* 在 Unite Europe 2017 大会上提到的全新 C# 工作系统,后者将通过扩展 Unity* API 优化脚本代码中的多线程。
Stay tuned for Unity's* new C# job system mentioned at Unite Europe 2017 which will extend the Unity* API to allow better multi-threading in script code.
Because this image was build based on 1 Core 1G ECS, the configuration and parameters for MySQL/MariaDB, PHP are original without any change, highly recommended If this is not the case, run the following optimization script
脚本可以用来进行更加高级的量身定制的设置,动态的玩家设置,以及可以用来使性能达到最佳状态(这种脚本通常叫做"优化脚本 ") 。
Scripting allows for more advanced and uniquely tailored controls, dynamic player settings, and more optimized performance (performance scripts are usually just called "configs").