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发布时间:2024-09-09 12:53:58  点击量:

  1. hypocrisy n.(fake kind - 伪善 - 虚伪)
  2. the hypocrisy of the politicians
  3. hyperbole n. (夸张 - exaggerate)
    1. American humor is largely founded on hyperbole.

  4. hyperthesis n. (假设)
  5. hydraulic adj. (水力的)
  6. hereditary adj (遗传的 - inherit)
  7. heir n. (inherit - hereditary)[e?(r)]
    1. the president's political heir
    2. 继承人 - 子嗣
  1. hamper v. (盒子 - box - contain)
  2. a Christmas hamper
  3. hail v. (冰雹)
  4. haughty v.(arrogant - flatter - bumptious)[?hti]
  5. a haughty face
  6. 傲慢的
  7. hatred n. (hate) 憎恨
  8. hint n. (clue - trail - implication - allude)
  9. What are you hint at?
  10. 暗示 - 线索 - (mint薄荷)
  11. hollow adj. (空心的)
  12. hallowed adj. (sacred - ) 神圣的
  13. halve v. (half)
    1. The company is halving its prices.
    2. 对半分

  14. hazard v. (risk)[?h?z?d]
    1. You are hazarding your life.
    2. 冒险 - 骰子游戏
  1. haphazard adj. ((hazard) - coincidental - casual - random)[h?p?h?z?d]
    1. Books piled on the shelf are in a hapazard fashion
    2. 偶然的 - 无计划的

  2. hitherto adv. (迄今 - so far)[?h?etu?]
    1. a hitherto unknown species
  1. hostile n. (hostage人质 - enemy - opponent - rival)[?h?sta?l]
    1. hostility n. 敌意(enmity)

  2. homicide n. (murdur - (suicide))
    1. a case of homicide
    2. 杀人行为
  1. humidity n. 湿度((hum-土 - humble) - permeate - saturate)
  2. humiliate v. ((humble) - make someone shame - fraudulent - scandal) 使蒙羞 - 使出丑
  3. hinder v. (bane - beset - obstacle)[?h?nd?(r)]
    1. A injury was hindering him from playing his best.
    2. 阻碍 - 妨碍

  4. hijack v. (abduct - blant - plunder - (hack))[?ha?dk]
    1. The plane was hijacked.
    2. 劫持 - 绑架
  1. hue n. (信仰/喊叫 - color)[hju?]
  1. haul v. (drag - pull) 拖拉
  2. haunt v. (wander - diffuse) 萦绕
  3. daunt 威慑
  4. hedge n. (fense - defense - avoid - enclose) 树篱 - 防护措施
  5. feel hedged
  6. hedge methods 保值措施
  7. hover v. (盘旋)
  8. heel n. (脚后跟)
  9. hip n. (屁股)
  10. heap n. (pile - 赞扬)
  11. He heaped his team with praise.
  12. hoist n. (lift - raise - 起重机)
  13. hurl v. (猛投throw - 大喊shout)
  14. fans hurled abuse at each other
  15. hay n. (干草)
  16. hull n. (壳 - nut坚果)
    1. null无

  17. hose n. (水管- pipe)
  18. harbour n. (港口)
  19. hinge n. (铰链 - 中枢)
    1. fringe n. 穗-边缘
  1. herald n. (信使)
  2. haste n. (匆忙hurry - 轻率careless)
    1. hasty adj. (仓促完成的)
    2. paste v.粘贴 pasture n.牧场

  3. harsh adj. (coarse - 粗糙/刺耳/严厉/残酷)
  4. hawk n. (鹰派 - eagle)
  5. hut n. (bunglow - costage - prison - gaol - 看守所)
  6. hybrid n. (杂种 - bastard)
  7. huddle v.n. 挤成一团(crowded - gather - )
    1. a huddle of buildings
  1. halt v.n. (pause - stop - hesitate) 暂停终止
  2. harassment n. 骚扰(bother - offense)
    1. sexual harassment
    2. harass v. (军中的骚乱)

  3. hoard n. (garner - ) 积聚 - 囤积
  4. hackney n. (出租马车)
  5. haggle v. (讨价还价bargain - 争论argue)
    1. politicians haggle
  1. harginger n. 先兆(predict - foresee - prospect)
  2. heed v.n. (cautious - notice) 注意 - 留心
    1. no one heeded his warnings

  3. heresy n. (异教 - cult 邪教)
    1. The idea is heresy to ……
  1. hilarity n. (欢闹 - 狂欢)
  2. hoax v.n. (cheat - trick - joke) 骗局 - 欺骗
    1. the hoax call

  3. homage n. (comply - allegiance) 敬意 - 效忠 - 顺从
  4. headstrong adj. (arbitrary) 刚愎自用的
  5. heyday n. (盛世 - 壮年)
  6. hoodwink v. (欺诈 - 哄骗)




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